Change Your Life Part 3

Are you excited about the things that you have written down in the activities from Part 1 and Part 2? What did you experience when you saw on paper what is possible for you? Were you energized? Are you excited about bringing some of the items on your list to fruition? Maybe you had the opposite experience.  For some of you seeing that list of possibilities actually made you feel awful. Instead of focusing on what’s possible you focused on the likelihood of accomplishing your goals and became discouraged.  Whether the exercises left you energized or discouraged I’m excited for you!

I’m excited for you because you are in a very good position to make things happen.  You are poised for change and that’s an exciting place to be at anytime in life.

This next exercise that I want you to complete requires honesty on your part.  There are no judgments.  I want you to take a deep breath in, slowly exhale, do it again, deep breath in, slowly exhale.  I would like for you to be very honest with yourself and answer this question from the eyes of your present self.  Not the person you were in the past, not the person you aspire to be.  Answer this question as the person you are right now at this very moment.  “Are you ready to change your life?”

Wow! We’ll talk more about that tomorrow.  Until then please share any insights you have gained from the big question by posting a reply.

Change Your Life Part 1

Ready or not 2014 is here. We’re 2 days in and if you weren’t ready it’s not too late to get ready.  Stick with me and I’ll help you map out a plan for your life that will have you excited about starting each day.

Let’s get started.  This first step is probably going to make you groan but that’s ok.  The things that bring us the most joy often include a time of pain (think childbirth or weight training).

Step 1
Write out 100 goals for your life. Include all the things that you would like to see manifested in your life.  This might include plans for travel, career, relationships, hobbies, purchases you want to make, health, finances, education. Dream big. 

My Pastors challenged me to do this and while it seemed impossible initially once I got started it was really easy and exciting.  Grab some paper and get started.  Check back tomorrow for another life changing tip.

If you accepted the challenge let me know by sharing a comment.

Be inspired!

Change your Life in 3 Easy Steps

Hi, did you know that there are only 38 days left in 2013?  How are you going to end the year?  Full of anticipation for 2014 or dreading another year of the same ole same ole?  I hope you answered the former. If you answered the latter don’t worry.  There is still time to greet 2014 full of eager anticipation.  Here goes:

3 easy steps you can take TODAY to make 2014 one of your most fulfilling years ever.

1. Write down two things that if you commit to doing would change your life for the better.

For example, if you exercise you would be in better health and have more self-confidence.  Imagine the possibilities that would result from choosing to excercise a few days each week.

What about starting your own business? Starting your own business will give you a sense of purpose.  Having a sense of purpose will give you something to look forward to each day.  You’ll have more joy in your life, be a better parent, friend, spouse.

2.  Which one step do you know you can take (please, no excuses) towards making whatever you wrote in #1 happen?

Please, no excuses, no blaming anyone.  It’s a simple question.  What are you capable of doing but are choosing not to do that could change your life?

3.  Do whatever you wrote in #2.  Don’t overthink it, don’t wait until it’s perfect, don’t tell anyone you’re getting ready to do xyz, just do it.

Believe it or not, this last step is the most exhilarating.  Taking a step towards a better life will free you.  You will be empowered to do more towards having the life you want. 

I’d love to know what you’re looking forward to creating in your life for 2014.  Please share in the comments below.

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