A Rich and Satisfying Life

Head on over to my new website to download your free gift that will help you take action on what you want to be and do in life. Read, like, share, and subscribe to my new blog at arichandsatisfyinglife.com

Love and clarity,


5 Days 5 Minutes Change Your Life Challenge

Wow, so much has happened since I first started this blog. I hardly celebrate my accomplishments but the past few years have taught me that I need to. I am worthy of crlebration! So, here goes 🙂

1. I moved my blog over to arichandsatisfyinglife.com (please check it out and grab your free Create A Plan for Your Life download). 

2. I wrote a book called Get It Started Get It Done.  You can find out more about it here: Book info

3. I am a contributor to the Huffington Post (read my post here). 

4. Because I have had so much personal growth I’ve created a 5 days 5 minute Change Your Life Challenge. It’s going to be amazing and you can learn more about it here: Challenge info

Thank you so much for encouraging me on my journey. There’s so much more to come. 

Conversation Saturday

Today is Conversation Saturday! Let’s talk about it all 1:1, relationships, frustrations, moving on, feeling stuck, feeling empty, hurt and abandoned, moving on after divorce, moving on after death of a spouse, dreams, goals, and fears. Schedule your complimentary call now: SCHEDULE CALL

You Want My Whole Heart?

God says for us to trust Him with our whole heart and lean not on our own understanding. Such simple instructions but initially so difficult to do. 
I can tell you one thing, you will not be able to trust God if you do not have a relationship with Him. When God says to SEEK Him, that’s what He means.  As you spend time in His word (the Bible), spend time being quiet before Him, spend time talking to Him, asking Him questions, He will reveal Himself to you. Your trust in Him will grow because you know who He is. He is faithful, His word is true, His plan for you is a good one, and He loves you. 
I encourage you today to get to know Him. I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed. 

I Hate my Life

Have you whispered these words before? I know that I have whispered some variation of them more than once. It wasn’t that I hated my life. I didn’t like the way that I was living my life but I wasn’t doing anything about it. That’s what I hated. The inaction is where my frustration lie. If I was so frustrated with the way that I was living my life why wasn’t I doing anything about it? Good question. After all, if you don’t like the direction you’re headed change paths right?  Easier said than done. You see, I struggled with the following: 1. I did not know what I wanted my life to look like? Because I had not figured out Read more


New Website & a Gift for You!

I have a new webaddress! In a few weeks I will be moving my blog over and would love for you to join me at my new site. My new website is http://arichandsatisfyinglife.com  and I have a gift for you when you come on over (ok, so I’m doing a little bribing). You can download your gift here: http://arichandsatisfyinglife.com/freegift

Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at http://arichandsatisfyinglife.com

Be Present

I woke up this morning and living in the moment was resonating within me. Sometimes we get so caught up on the destination we overlook the beauty to be found in the moment. 

Today, pause, deep breath in and slow breath out, smile, and enjoy the moment. 

This Year Really is Going to be Different

“This year is going to be different. Really! I’m serious this time. This is going to be my year. I mean it this time.”  More than likely, you’ve probably said this a time or two. I know that I have. However, even though this may have been my mantra a time or two, I have noticed that the times where my year was different, it was because I took intentional steps to make it different. Surprisingly (although it should not have been), I found my steps wrapped up in the definition of one very provocative word, SUCCESS.

Success:“the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals.” dictionary.com

Several things immediately got my attention after I read the definition of success.

  • Goals. If I’m going to have a successful year I need to define what a successful year looks like to me.
  • Favorable or prosperous. Success isn’t always about money.
  • Attempts. I can’t have success if I’m not “attempting” anything. So, if I want to have an amazing year I have to do something to make it happen.
  • Accomplishment. If I start it I should finish it.

For my year to be successful and amazing I am going to have to sit down and think about what I want as it relates to my personal life and my business (favorable or prosperous goals).  After I know what I want, I am going to have to do the work (attempts) necessary to have the life that I want for the year (accomplishment). That’s it, so simple right!